Hiebe auf den ersten Blick (Radio SRF2, February 22, 2019)
«Stoifberg tells an appalling story with appalling characters – but one you can’t stop reading.»
Read more…«Ich wachte auf und dachte: What the fuck?» (Radio 3fach, February 2019)
«I woke up and thought: What the fuck?»
Read more…Eine Autor ohne Angst vor Abgründen (Luzerner Zeitung, February 18, 2019)
«You’ll want to read it out loud from the very first page.»
Read more…Hinter der grossen Liebe versteckt sich ein grosses Geheimnis (SRF, February 15, 2019)
«Is it okay to hide something from the one you love?»
Read more…Am Anfang war der Tod (Tages-Anzeiger, February 13, 2019)
«Hollywood should have a close look at Niko Stoifberg’s debut novel.»
Read more…Preprint: Dort (Schweizer Monat, February 2019)
A preprint of «Dort» from «Schweizer Monat». Worth a look for Christina Baeriswyl’s illustrations alone!
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