Das Blaue Büchlein («The Little Blue Book»)

Buchcover mittelDas Blaue Büchlein
366 Vermutungen
Niko Stoifberg
Illustrated by Lina Müller
2012 © Der Gesunde Menschenversand

Buy the book: Amazon, Orell Füssli, Der Gesunde Menschenversand

«This opens up a whole world.» Pedro Lenz
«Stoifberg is a master of the concise.» Rolf Dobelli
«Great thoughts in a small format.» NZZ am Sonntag
«The ultimate shortbook. Very short and very smart.» St. Galler Tagblatt
«A book to chew over and to chuckle about.» 20 Minuten
«Let’s admit it: We were grinning, too.» Die Weltwoche
«Ahhhh.» Iris Radisch, SRF Literaturclub

Niko Stoifberg’s Vermutungen («speculations») appeared as a column in Switzerland’s culture magazine 041 from 2005 to 2014, featuring random speculations on things as diverse as Santa Claus, sausage meat and the Big Bang. Das Blaue Büchlein («the little blue book») is a selection of them. Available in German, only.

Niko on Das Blaue Büchlein (German, with subtitles): Interview.

Das Blaue Büchlein on Facebook.

05.09.2017 | Niko Stoifberg
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