«Vermutungen»: Thanks, and see you again!
«Vermutungen»: Thanks, and see you again!
From 2005 to 2014 – for exactly nine years – Vermutungen filled the that last, coloured paged of 041 magazine. What had begun as a harmless list of speculations grew into «Switzerland’s best and most original column» (I didn’t say that, of course, but journalist Christoph Fellmann did), into «a philosophical category of its own» (philosopher Marco Meier), and of course into that little blue book, Das Blaue Büchlein. That’s more than ever could have been speculated – and it has to be enough now. Here’s my very last Vermutung:
«God forgot to cover his ears at the Big Bang, that’s why he doesn’t hear us anymore.»
I won’t give up that last 041 page, though. Starting May, it will feature cartoons instead of Vermutungen – no airy speculations anymore, but down-to-earth moments from the comic strip known as life. And of course you can still submit your own speculations, like so many of you did over the years: on vermutungen.ch and facebook.com/groups/vermutungen. Don’t refrain from posting in English!
Meanwhile, I’d like to thank everybody who helped making Vermutungen what they became, notably Christoph, Matthias, Denise, Reto, Christian, Jonas, Lina, Pädu, Judith, Pedro, Mart and Martina. It was nine years of fun, and without you, I would have stopped much earlier. – Niko